WHITE MIRROR It should have been in December My lacerated features still behold the wall where grace softly blackened The white mirrors create a kind of void And each night I see the features of these characters extracted from her dreams: (Demian Clav)
H. CASTLE How does it called? Yoli Yoli Wake up! We’ve got to go! This sound is what the ancient philosophers called “the harmony of the spheres”. There’s an explanation of this somewhere What I have rejected as false was true The real life touches the sky (Demian Clav)
BEWILDERMENT “I find it recorded in my notebook that it was a bleak and windy day towards the end of December in the year 1892. He invited me out to spend a few days at his house, Wisteria Lodge, between Esher and Oxshott. I drove to the place about two miles on the south side of Esher. The house was a fair-sized one, standing back from the road, with a curving drive which was banked with high evergreen shrubs. It was an old, tumbledown building in a crazy state of disrepair. When the trap pulled up on the grass-grown drive in front of the blotched and weather-stained door, I had doubts as to my wisdom in visiting a man whom I knew so slightly.” Tu inclines tes longs cheveux devant moi. Au fond de la chapelle, un miroir est recouvert d’un voile d’hyacinthe. Depuis si longtemps je ne sais plus te dire que je t'aime. Ta beauté me révèle mon obscurité. Je pleure intérieurement en jouant mon rôle à cause de toi. Resurrect my first love I want to see you my love (Demian Clav)
WINTER LIES SONATA I see Wisteria Lodge’s gardens I’m losing my trial, I’m losing my mind Nobody’s mirror Among the rags of the chapel I follow thousand souls and dogs You seem to erase me from the winter Tell me I don’t really love you Tell me it doesn’t matter Life seems to deal with your animal mind I cross myself knowing that I’m the slave (Demian Clav)
DEAD OFFERING Our own colours, green and white. Green open, white shut. Main stair, first corridor, seventh right, green baize. I fight my own convictions All in all do, I deserve you ? While I slowly become someone else And who has been charmed? “His enemies discovered him a year ago. Once already his life has been attempted, but some evil spirit shielded him. The many whose lives he had ruined, would not let the matter rest. They banded themselves into a society which should never be dissolved until the work was done. It was my part after we had discovered his false name, to attach myself to his household and keep the others in touch with his movements. An attempt was made in Paris and failed. And we finally returned to this house, which he had taken upon his first arrival in England.” Why are you just like I wanted (Demian Clav)
USELESS SERVANT I thought to reveal your first name or your name in a dedication to your memory
(Demian Clav)
HEART’S GRAVE You know I wasn’t expected to see you tonight Dance on my gravestone if you want Les tombes de corail se demandent si je vis encore. Je ne suis pas éprouvé au-delà de mes forces.
VOICES Ouvre à nouveau mes yeux sur l’incroyable lumière bleue dorée heurtant l’immeuble blanc ou ce qu’il me reste de toi. Ouvre à nouveau mes yeux sur le parc à perte de vue Sous la pluie artificielle, il y a la maison d’enfance et l’école disparaît sous mes pas plus légers que le temps. Ouvre à nouveau mes yeux In the artificial rain of April, there’s the childhood house. Shadows of young flowers on the iron stair. Tressaillement du rail juste avant ton apparition. L’instantde ce hurlement devient éternel. (Demian Clav)
WISTERIA LODGE ENIGMA Le long de l’allée principale, les enfants surveillent leurs parents avec un air de mépris. Impératrice ou petite provinciale arrogante et superstitieuse, je me perdais dans des variations incompréhensibles sur toi. “In a sort of dream I remember being half-led, half-carried to the carriage; in the same state I was conveyed to the train. Je ne peux plus recueillir ce qui semble t'avoir émue. Le sens de mots a été perdu, oublié et dénaturé, a été faussé et jeté à l'eau. J’enterre un verre de vin le long du chemin des herses. Une sorte de vautour ou d'aigle égyptien se plante devant moi. J'entends les battements de son cœur. Je ne peux plus prononcer un seul mot. Once upon a time somewhere between Esher and Oxshott And then I run upstairs and see these skeletons melted with jewels I ask for answers from my guardian angel while the house is slowly burning (Demian Clav)
SOMEONE I fail to use my ancient lyrics, chords and fragments This doesn’t concern anyone
(Demian Clav)
SVARÂJ I love you I love you I love you Hello excuse me can you tell me where I am? I know when one is dead and when one lives We have received so much apparently in vain?(Demian Clav)
EX ORIENTE LUX (This was the last time I saw her I surely don’t want to haunt you like this So called justification: But if this voice is not even my voice (Demian Clav)
TIME EXECUTION While I was in the garden I saw this tree Answering to some mysterious order in the morning I dug into the ground You disappeared in the morning
Have mercy Love on me watch my bitter weeping (Demian Clav)
EARLINGER LAKE (LOSERSTAR) Les livres saints nous disent que avant de partir en voyage, la femme de Loth voulut se retourner une dernière fois .Et qu’elle fut changée en statues de sel. Or, on ne filme que le passé, je veux dire que ce qui se passe, et ce sont des sels d’argent qui filtrent la lumière. I see you so indelicate (and bright) I let you down for the second time I see the silver price of blood (Demian Clav)
SUB SPECIE AETERNI I know when one is dead and when one lives I come back to this place where you’re still there Why do you bother the woman? (Demian Clav)
NIGHT FALL LEAGUE Why could you not watch with me one hour? Watch with me I should have lived my life in an instant sharing this stirring smile with you And these signs before or after are gone The blue skeletons of birds dance This night is made of white light stones and contempt I don’t know what to do with these words anymore (Demian Clav)
ARREST If only you could reach these three black lights following the stairs But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must be like this? Have you come out, as against a thief, in order to judge me? But all this was done, that the Scriptures of the Prophets might be fulfilled (Demian Clav)
THRESHOLD Slowly he returns to me A dying angel flying downHe seems to know infinity and smiles I’m so far away to be here Slowly he returns to me (Demian Clav) 1988
THE UNDERWORLD ENGAGEMENT One more introduction: how could I keep on telling this story? How can I be sure that I don’t lie to you? This war like voice betraying my real intentionsThis miserable voice is really my own voice And then I would have known if I had seen you one more timeAnd for lack of knowing your secrets Someone deep in me defies this slovenly angel who’s dead and who? Me ? starts to smile and What I have done for you was not enoughWe finally did nothing but defy and lie to each other (Demian Clav) 2004
WHITE EVENING I don’t remember what I have said to you And you will find nothing on the H. Castle gardens carrying you against your will (Demian Clav)
H. CASTLE GRAVEYARD There isn’t any explanation But where are you going? (Demian Clav)